I am now in my third year of marriage. Monday, the 26th marked Jadon and my 2 year anniversary which makes today my second day in the third year of marriage. WOW!

I so clearly remember daydreaming with Amanda about what kind of guy I would marry. I was probably in junior high, but it kinda feels like yesterday. Sometimes I can hardly believe that Jadon is my husband, that I'm married, that we own house, that we have a dog, etc. etc. etc.

I think girls probably spend 99% more time than guys dreaming about who they will marry and what their life will be like. I remember spending hours playing "MASH" with my friends. It's a game where by random selection you find out who you'll marry, where you'll live, how many kids you will have, what kind of car you'll drive and more.

The cool part about the game was that if you didn't like the outcome you could just play it again. I'm pretty sure I ended up marrying Nathan, having 8 kids, driving a Porshe, and living in a mansion many times. But I never got the one where I married Jadon, lived in Carlisle Iowa, drove an Expedition, lived in a brick house, and had one dog. If I gotten that one I would have stopped playing the game because it's perfect.

We can dream all we want but we'll probably never guess all that God has in store for us. His plans are so much better than our imaginations. God knew that my perfect match was Jadon. No one else would do. And so here I am now happily married, still in awe at it all and anticipating what God will do next. It's a great place to be.


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