Junior High Camp

Last week was Junior High Camp. Jadon was the director and I was one of the speakers. I've never spoken for anything like that and I wasn't sure how it would go. The theme was "Be Transformed" and our verse was Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transofrmed by he renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will." The first day I focused on Romans 12:1 which says that we need to give ourselves to God as a living sacrafice. I talked about accepting Christ and making the decision to give yourself to HIm to be used by Him. The second day I talked about renewing your mind. And the third day I talked about knowing what Gods will is. I think it went really well. It's hard to read Junior High kids sometimes. Are they listening? Does this make sense to them? Am I talking way over their heads? Are they bored to death? I wondered all of those things. But in the end I heard a few kids say they learned something and one boy accepted Chirst as his savior, so that makes it all worth it. I've attached a video of my talks.

Jadon did an incredible job leading everything else. For the most part it all went smoothly. We did have a Tornado Warning in the middle of the night. Jadon had to wake up all the campers and heard them down into the basement of the Lodge. 50 wet, scared, junior high schoolers is a sight to behold. Chaos is the only word for that. There wasn't a tornado, praise the Lord! And we were all able to go back to bed pretty soon.

Now we're back at home, trying to catch up and working on selling our home and getting ready to move. Life doesn't slow down.


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