I need a post wedding Honeymoon TOO!!!

Weddings are a lot of work for everyone involved and only the bride and groom get a honeymoon afterwards. My little sister Amanda just got married on Saturday (December 20th). I was her maid of honor and now that it's over I need a Honeymoon too!!!

Weddings are a wonderful, beautiful, precious thing, yet anything of worth in life takes effort and this wedding definitely took effort!

It really was a perfect wedding, everything came together the way it was supposed too! The only close call was one of groomsmen almost passing out. He managed to sit down though before he keeled over.

Now we are back in Kemmerer where winter has truly socked in. There is about 5 inches of snow on the ground and it's still coming down. It's gonna be a white Christmas


  1. i know! omg winter sucks, i' was plowing snow for an hour today!

    i'm gonna come get your snow later today.

  2. I wish we had some of your snow!!! It's just plain cold here!


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