Anniversaries Analogies
I think society as a whole often looks at life from the wrong perspective. Today Jadon and I are celebrating our third anniversary. Over the past few days I've told people that our anniversary is coming up. Of course they always ask, "how many years?" I say "three" and then the common response is "oh, you're still newly weds, just you wait till your 10 th , (or 25 th or whatever) of course it's still exciting now, but wait a few years" And then they give a little chuckle. What a warped response for something that should be a wonderful part of life. Consider the person who goes to the Grand Canyon for the first time and they meet someone who goes there every year. They stand there in awe just soaking it all in and loving it until the old timer next to them says, "yeah, you like it now, but after a few more visits it become pretty mundane and ordinary" See, I don't think that would actually happen with the G...